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For families in poverty with children

The hardest part of overcoming the fragile boundary of poverty is for families with children or single-parent households. There are families where it is difficult for parents to find work, so they must rely on social assistance, or their wages are too low to meet basic family needs. In Latvia, there are still children for whom not only sweets are a true wonder, but who also lack the most basic items—warm winter boots, their own bed, or a warm blanket on cold winter nights.

Many families have become accustomed to living modestly, but when something unexpected happens—illness, job loss, broken boots, or a household appliance failure—it can turn into a real disaster. With limited income, saving for new items is impossible, and buying on installment is not an option. Even a simple cold or a toothache can push a family into financial deadlock.

Some families have fallen into misfortune and only need a little support to get back on their feet and overcome the crisis. However, there are also families where the parents are unable to take responsibility for their lives, lack motivation, and cannot make the necessary decisions to change their situation. Nevertheless, children love their parents for who they are, and every child’s happiest childhood is only possible within their own family. Support is often also needed by those resourceful women who have left abusive or alcoholic husbands and are ready to start a new life, on their own with their children, but usually lack the resources to begin a new life.

We invite you to support impoverished families with children so that children do not have to suffer, and parents do not feel guilty in front of their children., by assessing each case individually, provides support through donations for purchasing essential items or resolving difficult situations.

The Project is placed online on: 01.01.2025 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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