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For critically ill individuals

Illnesses are not planned. Illnesses do not discriminate and do not show mercy. Illness hurts. provides assistance in the treatment and care of seriously ill and terminally ill individuals and, in extreme cases, offers social support by accepting individual requests for help.

When a person is chronically or terminally ill, they experience pain, physical weakness, and hopelessness. Often, medications not covered by the state, doctor consultations, rehabilitation, and tests are needed, many of which have already exhausted the state-funded slots. Being sick is expensive, and frequently, the sick person cannot afford the necessary treatment out of their own pocket.

After surviving a stroke, heart attack, cancer, or other severe illness that has become incurable, a person requires care and becomes dependent on others for the rest of their life. Sometimes this period lasts weeks or months, but in other cases, it may last for several years. Families caring for terminally ill relatives need immense emotional and physical strength every day, as well as significant financial resources. The family bears the responsibility for the sick person's daily care—washing, lifting, dressing, and administering medications. Often, one of the family members does not work to stay at home and provide care.

Medications, doctor consultations, tests, rehabilitation, diapers, bed pads, special body care and washing products for bedridden individuals, wound care products, bandages, and many other items are needed daily. Medications and care at home or in care institutions cost several hundred euros per month, and it is often difficult or even impossible for people to afford these expenses on their own. We cannot allow seriously ill individuals to be without help.

The Project is placed online on: 01.01.2025 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

Current subprojects:

Atkārtota palīdzība Aleksandram Grigorjevam

Out of 800.00 € donated 5.00 €

Zobārstniecība vispārējā narkozē

Palīdzība Ilutai Bodrovai

Out of 74 508.00 € donated 28 770.00 €

Operācija retas slimības ārstēšanai

Atkārtota palīdzība Ilvijai Širjakovai

Out of 15 600.00 € donated 12 691.00 €

Aprūpe mājās smagi slimai sievietei

Palīdzība Rimmai Talagajevai

Out of 2 610.00 € donated 2 002.00 €

Aprūpe pēc pārciesta insulta

Palīdzība Lilitai Lauzējai

Out of 7 000.00 € donated 3 887.77 €

Pēdas endoprotezēšana

Atkārtota palīdzība Alisei Skujiņai

Out of 3 736.00 € donated 2 285.29 €

Rehabilitācija jaunietei Latvijā

Palīdzība Genādijam Koršunam

Out of 4 529.00 € donated 2 425.00 €

Līdzmaksājums par ratiņkrēslu

Total: 0.00

Name, Surname

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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

22 445.79 €