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Angels over Latvia 2009

When we donate, we turn into angels. This is because we have made the dream of some child to live a fulfilling life come true!

Also this Christmas, we invite everyone to join the most generous charity campaign of the year – Angels Over Latvia. The support of guardian angels will give Matīss (9 years old), Sandis (3 years old), Māra (11 years old), Gundega (7 years old) and Estere (5 years old) the help they are all hoping for. LVL 39 813.44 are needed to support these children.

Within the charity campaign of 2009, we are supporting five children, who require long-term treatment and rehabilitation due to hereditary diseases or tragic accidents. The main goal of the charity campaign is to improve the quality of life for these severely ill children and to help them lead their lives to the fullest.

About Matīss

Matīss is a nine year old joyful and clever boy from Riga. At the age of seven months, Matīss fell severely ill, which deeply affected the rest of his life. Although he is now in the 1st grade, he is not able to walk on his own unless somebody is holding him or with the help of a walker. And although he does not have mental disorders, due to limited physical abilities, he still has delayed speech development Matīss visits treatment and rehabilitation institutions in Latvia and, by his parents’ initiative, has additionally visited the Orthopaedic Clinic in Munich. A “Galileo Basic Plus” exercise machine was recommended to improve Matīss’ health; the machine strengthens and promotes muscle activity and is also a special rehabilitation programme according to the Brucker method. The amount needed to support Matīss is LVL 6 850.

About Sandis

Little Sandis is three years old and lives near Rēzekne. By the time he celebrated his third birthday, Sandis still could not sit or walk.  Sandis suffers from infantile cerebral palsy. This summer he tried Reitertherapy (horse riding therapy) and as a result can now sit up on his own and can walk a bit if holding on to an adult’s hand. Reitertherapy should be continued – every other day Sandis travels with his mother the long distance to Olaine in Rēzekne district to see an uncommon doctor – the horse Lūcija. Lūcija is specially trained and certified to help treat children by the Reitertherapy method.

LVL 763.20 are needed to provide one-year long regular Reitertherapy courses for Sandis.

About Māra

Māra’s family is from Skrunda. Māra was in a car accident with her mother and father. Her father died, but Māra was severely injured and suffered multiple skull fractures. As a result, Māra became visually impaired, practically immobile and had minimal hand and leg movement abilities. She has partially retained her mental abilities, but she does not talk. Māra attends a special pre-school institution Cerībiņa (Little Hope), with her mother; Māra really likes music lessons, visual art, stores and readings. She regularly engages in sports activities at home, as well as at the physiotherapists office. Twice a year, she attends rehabilitation courses at the Rehabilitation Centres in Vaivari and in Baltezers. In June of this year, when Māra performed physical activities on a “MOTO MED VIVA–2” bike exercise machine, it was determined that she is able to perform independent movements when pedalling. It was a huge surprise that the Māra had maintained her walking reflex. To strengthen these movements, it would be really necessary to continue these exercises at home as well and as recommended – several times a day.

LVL 2811 are needed to provide Māra the possibility to exercise on the bike machine at home.

About Gundega:

Gundega is a seven year old girl from Sigulda. During the first months of her life, nothing indicated any health problems. The family regularly consulted several doctors and each one said Gundega was fine. Gundega has a very rare and severe disease; she is the only child in Latvia diagnosed with Miller Dieker syndrome. Treatment is taking place in an institute in the United States, where children with severe brain damage are treated. Gundega’s quality of life has already improved after working three years with the programme provided by the institute – her epileptic seizures have decreased (she had up to 50 seizures and black-outs a day and currently has been free from the seizures for already four weeks), she is not as spastic as before, her appetite and health have both improved, she shows her emotions, is physically stronger, can communicate with others through using a computer, can read books in three languages, writes poetry and draws.

Gundega’s parents believe that their girl will be able to walk and talk some day.

To support Gundega, the US institution must be visited twice a year to develop the programme conducted by her parents at home. LVL 11 888.64 are needed to provide the rehabilitation in the US and a nanny who would help in the daily care procedures according to the US Institute programme.

About Estere:

Estere is a five year old girl from Ikšķile. She was born prematurely, which resulted in a number of severe diagnoses. Despite this, Estere is very energetic, goal-oriented and happy, she is growing up with her two sisters and tries to copy them in everything. Estere loves to sing, dance and draw. She is not able to walk on her own, but is moving around with the help of a walker. The specialists of the Munich Orthopaedic Clinic have recommended performing surgery to reconstruct Estere's left hip according to the latest and most advanced technologies and with a minimum post-op period.

LVL 17 500 are needed to pay for the surgery to help Estere walk.

Donations are gathered for treatment and rehabilitation not included in state-covered medical services. The participation and support of society is really needed!

To join the angels and to make donations for the children’s health, use the portal, call the charity line at +371 90006383 (LVL 1) or make donations in the charity boxes located at Swedbank, Rimi and Supernetto stores across Latvia. Donate and receive an angel!

The closing event of the charity marathon Angels Over Latvia will be filmed live on the TV channel LNT on 20 December.

Project published in the portal: 20 November 2009

The Project is placed online on: 20.11.2009

Project completed 09.01.2010 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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Donation Statistics

This year

81 697.22 €