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Contributors, who have made donations on-line

360 anonymous donations

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Nadežda Hruļeva, Ilze Brazauska, Aldis Virsis, ILI INVESTMENTS, SIA VIA FINANCE, SIA RTS TERMINĀLS, AS ELKO GRUPA, Iveta Zommere, Renāte Robežniece, Vladimirs Revo, Baiba Īle, Osvalds Leitis, Ilze Kūka, Kristaps Hanelis, Ģirts Apsītis, Nataļja Golubeva, Solveiga Judina, Aleksandra Meteļica, Nataļja Golubeva, Evelīna Didrihsone, Sarmīte Buka, Signe Vaišļa, Mārtiņš Liniņš, Inga Ruduša, Aksana Zubareva, Inese Caune, Evija Podiņa, Vaira Vīķe - Freiberga, Kristīne Bērziņa, Dace Pelīte, Elīna Briede, Andis Kudors, Egons Reķis, Dace Lisovska, Sanda Miķelsone, Ieva Vītiņa, Ēriks Stendzenieks, Normunds Orlovs, Baiba Apermane, Renāte Purvinska, Renāte Robežniece, Rita Veilande, Līga Pilsētniece, Viola Tribe, Solveiga Judina, Kahu Kaisa, Signe Vaišļa, Baranovska Kristīne, kā arī 3 anonīmi ziedotāji

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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

1 061 798.78 €