Follow us Today has already donated 3,988.00 €

Atkārtota palīdzība Elizabetei Šmitei

Contributors, who have made donations on-line

Pro Mehanika SIA

Inese Pukste

Ilze Šņore

Gunta Bērziņa


Jana :)

Ināra Siliņa

anita jurka

Inga Saulīte

Evita Lause Dage

Inguna Apsīte

Vadims Podāns

Siugaļu ģimene

Agris Šmits

Kristine Olehnovica

Sandra Laudiņa

Edīte Šņore

Alise Skujiņa

Jevgenijs Stepens

vitauts petroks

Janis Lama

Madara Žvarte

Ilze Melngaile

Laura Rozefelde

Dārta Šmite

Dzidra Brieede

Monta Grūbe-Aņikina

Ainārs Turcinovičs

Laura Gutāne


Guna Lūse

Ginta Rudzite

Ilona Kalniņa

Līga Laudiņa

Silvija Platpīre

Laura Veismane

Gunta Liepiņa

Emīls Everss

Sandra Laudiņa

Igors Bogušs

Alakbar Valiyev

Elita Stieģele

Ginta Masa

Kristīne Hermanovska

Iveta Geidāne

Daina B.

Līga Lupkina

Esmeralda Zikunova


Kristine Ignatjeva

Anžela Mālkalne

Agnis Blanks

Līva Tauriņa

Inga Saulīte

Edīte Šņore

Rūta Dimanta

Inese Danga

106 anonymous donations

Other topical projects

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Puppies of the heart!

"Repair" a person!

About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

1 061 053.78 €