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Body Armour Vests for Ukraine's Medics

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is directed not only against the Ukrainian army but all the people of Ukraine. The Russian forces are shelling residential buildings, hospitals, schools, and kindergartens. Medics are among the first to arrive to the sites of attack, and unfortunately, during attacks they also get injured, at times fatally. Majority of the injuries to medics during explosions are from flying shards of glass, concrete, and other hard materials.

Lviv's Defence Cluster is manufacturing individual defence equipment for soldiers and different social groups, for example body armour vests for children. The Cluster has also developed a special body armour vest for the needs of medics. The body armour vest complies with the NATO protection level Stanag 2920 and protects from rubble, concrete and glass shards. Altogether, 3000 of these body armour vests are needed in Ukraine. The costs of producing one vest are around 310 euros.

Let's donate to provide the medics of Ukraine with at least 400 body armour vests!

Budget of the campaign: 125.000 EUR

More information is available on Lviv's Defence Cluster's website and in communication with Lviv's Defence Cluster's European' Support Foundation 


The Project is placed online on: 23.02.2023

Project completed 24.01.2024 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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