Follow us Today has already donated 395.00 €

Bogomazu ģimenei pēc ugunsgrēka

Contributors, who have made donations on-line

219 anonymous donations

Other donors

Jana Muižniece, Inguna Gulbe, P.Bartušs, Liana Strukova, Vitālijs Surmovičs, Arnis Birģelis, Matīss Cēbers, Nikolajs Tihomirovs, Jānis Puzirevskis, Deniss Jasinovičs, Juris Kvitka, Aleksandrs Pļuščevskis, Jeļena Peščinska, Dace Masi-Treija, Anonīms ziedotājs, Anda Ulpe, Olita Peka, Nataļja Hudoļeja, Anita Spūle, Andris Bogdanovičs, Lisenkova Margarita, Iveta Talapova, Ilva Utāne, Larisa Širokova, Irina Fjodorova, Olena Solodka, Mara Mikelsone-Mahler, Linda Barkāne, Aleksandrs Astapjonoks, Vilnis Pētersons, Olga Matīsa, Irina Ļebedeva, Arta Kraukle

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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

88 651.94 €