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Children’s House Namiņš

Report 09.10.2009

September 2009

Over the past month, dinner was in the cafeteria provided to 40-44 children. One family with nine children regularly received additional meals to take home.

LVL 228.69 were spent on catering in September.

Namiņš is open every day from 09.00 to 17.00. Children begin arriving after 12.00. This year, a psychologist (volunteer) is working at the Centre, who also teaches the children music and crafts (knitting and weaving). On Mondays, Namiņš dance group practice take place. The children are preparing performances for 9 October, when the Centre will celebrate its 10th anniversary.

The children took active part in harvesting. Everything that had been grown is now stored in the basement and the beans are shelled. 200 litres of apple juice has been made from the Namiņš apple trees.

On 5 September, those Namiņš children who had worked in the vegetable garden and performed other tasks during summer (prepared firewood for winter, tidied up the premises for new tasks), went on an excursion. Participants of the excursion visited the castles of Rundāle and Bauska and the museum of the famous Latvian writer Anna Brigadere in Tērvete, Sprīdīši.

On 18 September, Namiņš hosted guests from Norway.


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