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Contributors, who have made donations on-line

331 anonymous donations

Other donors

Ludmila Bolšteine, Natālija Moisejenko, Kaspars Lūsis, Zane Bieze, Kristīne Šibeiko, Ludmila Zommere, Nataļja Kulikova, Jelena Musihina, Ludmila Bolšteine, MESSENGERS SERVICE GROUP SIA, Eleonora Ostrovska, Viesturs Kairišs, Sanda Biele, Ieva Berkmane, Viola Tribe, Kristīne Strazdīte, Aigars Rolands, SUMMER TOUCH SIA, Toms Provejs, Kaspars Lūsis, Dmitrijs Kozačuks, Simona Aļševska, Gunta Mūrniece-Pildava, RĪGAS CENTRĀLAIS TERMINĀLS SIA, Ernests Jaunzemnieks, Viktorija Polence, LOGILAT SIA, Dace Uellendāle, LURSOFT SIA, Daiga Vītola, Gunta Frīdenberga, Dana Edžiņa, Jana Rozenberga, Iveta Andruce, Baiba Ozoliņa, Modris Vancāns, PREISA UN PURIŅA SIA, LĀČPLĒŠA GRAUDS SIA, STRĪĶERI Z/S, L Ē V SIA, Tatjana Šarko, Ernests Jaunzemnieks, Sandra Štokenberga, Inga Vīgrante, NOVO NORDISK A/S, Lelde Lāce, Juris Grizāns, KURZEMES RADIO AS, KOMUNIKĀCIJU AĢENTŪRA SIA, Santa Bērza, SIA LETAKI, Dace Plato, Anda Redoviča, URSUS FORWARDING SIA, Vita Grīnhofa, Nataļja Kostikova, Irēna Sokolova, Jelena Musihina, Anita Jurševica, Andrejs Kokle, Ģirts Maslinarskis, Oskars Brencāns, Sintija Griška, Ieva Bauksa, Ieva Berkmane, Diāna Legzdiņa, Tatjana Svjatova, Andris Lukstaraups, Alla Jevstigņejeva, Arnis Bērtiņš

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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

109 402.39 €