We, as healthy people, take getting up in the morning, getting dressed, having our breakfast and going out on our own for granted. Without the help of others, and without aids. But if we were to be deprived of our ability to walk, even for a day, we would find ourselves in the shoes of children and adolescents whose mobility is restricted due to congenital diseases or injuries. Children and adolescents with movement disorders want to be just like us, to enjoy the happiness of childhood, fall in love for the first time, and feel independent. Unfortunately, they are deprived of this. Instead - a broken heart and loneliness. Most often they spend their days at home with their relatives. Life happens through the window, but not in their lives.
Through regular and innovative rehabilitation, we can help these children and young people to become more independent and integrate into the peer community. In the current subprojects, you will find children waiting for our help to receive rehabilitation at the "Poga" centre. Let's help make a child’s dream come true!
The Project is placed online on: 31.12.2021
Project completed 01.01.2023
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Completed projects:
- Palīdzība Elīzai Ikauniecei
- Palīdzība Braienam Šubrovskim
- Palīdzība Nikolai Sindijai Avižonei
- Palīdzība Elīnai Padomai
- Palīdzība Arinai Ļvovai
- Palīdzība Rafaelam Aboļevičam
- Palīdzība Nikolai Kalniņai
- Palīdzība Kevinam Kļaviņam
- Palīdzība Ailinai Mosko
- Palīdzība Anetei Lācei
- Palīdzība Oliveram Belickim
- Palīdzība Markusam Lauskim
- Palīdzība Eliasam Kuprišam
- Palīdzība Robertam Silam
- Palīdzēsim Samantai Treijerei
- Palīdzība Kristeram Taupmanam
- Palīdzība Rebekai Ruzgai
- Palīdzība Gabrielai Sedolai
- Palīdzība Lindai Kalinichenko