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Contributors, who have made donations on-line

1707 anonymous donations

Other donors

Mecenāte Ināra Tetereva (Borisa un Ināras Teterevu fonds), KAMAPOL, Codiro BV, Studentu korporācija SELONIJA, ZAĶIS VIKTORS, Sofija Grīnvalde, Līga Baumane, Liene Korlaša, Sergejs Sarvatkins, Tālis Dzērve, Mārtiņš Riekstiņš, Egīls Gelderiņš, Ģirts Mazais Gers, Vladimirs Vatcehovskis, Linards Birznieks, Valters Andersons, Jānis Zvirgzdiņš, Mārcis Urbāns, Ints Tambaks, Mārtiņš Vaišļa, Artūrs Brēnens, Artūrs Rudzāns, Vilnis Veips, Artūrs Surmovičs, Mārtiņš Stirāns, ZAĶIS VIKTORS, SIA DUKĀTS, SIA KULONS KSK, ANDREJEVSKIS EDUARDS, STRODE DAIGA, SKUJA ANITA, ĶIBILDS AUSEKLIS, ANDREJEVSKIS VLADISLAVS, GROMA JAUTRĪTE, AVOTIŅA GUNTA, Mw D Ikama, MENNIKS GUNTIS, ČAKARE ASTRĪDA, JAUNZEMIS VALDA, LUDBORŽA VERONIKA, LĪBIŅA AGRITA, SABLUKS ANDREJS, UAB "Grazus verslas", KALNINA ILGA, JAUNZEMIS VALDA, KALNIŅA ANITA, Sandis L., AUSEKLIS ĶIBILDS, VIESTURS LOGINS, ALEKSANDRS PAVLOVS, DAN COMMUNICATIONS SIA, Juris Skudritis, LEVITS EGILS, ANDRA LEVITE

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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

690 936.29 €