There is a saying in Latvian that no one is as tired as a parent who has a child with serious impairments. When the child's impairments require hourly care it is impossible to leave them alone even if the parent needs medical attention themselves. It is both emotionally and physically draining. The Guardian Angels are professional carers who come to the child's home once per week, and take over the responsibility of caring just for the day, allowing the parent to run household errands or to handle other family requirements.
Your donation of 256 Euros provides 32 hours of care* given by a carer who has been specially trained to care for seriously ill children through the Dear Nanny program. The Dear Nanny (Mīļā Auklīte) program is supported by and Apeirons, an association of people with special needs and their friends.
Please give generously to help support these families!
*The 256 Euros includes statutory tax payments
The Project is placed online on: 01.01.2019
Project completed 22.11.2019 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.
Completed projects:
- Palīdzība Robina Pommera ģimenei
- Palīdzība Martas Javas ģimenei
- Palīdzība Matīsa Parcāna ģimenei
- Palīdzība Ksenijas Kibjaro aprūpē
- Palīdzība Līnas Zaķes ģimenei
- Palīdzība Karīnas Dundas ģimenei
- Palīdzība Katrīnas Rozes Krūmiņas ģimenei
- Palīdzība Daniela Savkina ģimenei
- Palīdzība Nila Repina ģimenei
- Palīdzība Gusta Kristiāna Jansona ģimenei
- Palīdzība Annas Skrūzmanes ģimenei
- Palīdzība Roberta Levina ģimenei
- Palīdzība Ksenijas Kibjaro ģimenei