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Home for the Eagles

Some of the largest and most noble birds –ospreys and golden eagles – need your support for building “family nests”! The forests of Latvia are the residence of these rare and protected birds, but as the result of the logging industry, their nesting locations are destroyed and their survival is endangered.

To save the birds, the Latvian Fund for Nature built 78 nests for the eagles over the last two years, but it is not enough to eliminate the negative impact of human activities on the survival of these birds. We therefore ask for your support to purchase materials for nest building, to transport them to the forest and to build the nests. An artificial nest built in a suitable location up in a tree provides an undisturbed and stable nesting spot for eagle couples that then can successfully raise their young.

To provide a nest for an eagle, an appropriate tree in the protected area is found, located up to 5 km away from the roads. At the very top of the appropriate tree, at 10 to 30 metres above ground, a wooden support for the nest is constructed with a diameter of up to 1.5 meters. To build one nest support, two people are needed – one gets up in the tree and builds the nest, but the one on the ground delivers the materials and tools. On average, one or two nests can be built per day. Wooden planks, nails, screws, wires, ropes, equipment, tools (hammer, axe, saw), etc., are needed to build a nest. The rest of the work is completed by the birds in the spring – they provide the nest material and arrange a stable nest on the provided support.

The amount needed: LVL 2 000

The construction of one nest costs LVL 100. We are planning to build 20 nests within the framework of this project.

Project implementer: The foundation Latvian Fund for Nature. The foundation provides practical nature protection and implements the education of society about the significance of nature diversity.

Additional information about the activities of the Latvian Fund for Nature are available on its home page

Project published in the portal: 15 October 2009

The Project is placed online on: 15.10.2009

Project completed 14.01.2011 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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