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Honourable Old Age for the Bearers of the Order

The Latvian Brotherhood of Orders shows their genuine respect and expresses their sincere gratitude to all those who provided their financial support and hopes this support will continue in 2009.

People are happy because they are not forgotten and that the Order is honoured.

About the project:

People who have received the Orders and Decorations of the Republic of Latvia are the pride and honour of our nation. They are awarded for outstanding merits in the renewing of the national dependence of Latvia, for the development of our economy, culture, sciences, arts and other fields.

Unfortunately, our current state economic situation prevents many of these people from having normal lives; they receive very small pensions and live in poverty and rejection.

We invite you to help these people, who deserve to spend their old age in peace and welfare. Your donations are needed for dental services, health improvements (medicine, visits to specialists), to cover late municipal payments, as well as for benefits in crisis situations such as fire accidents, disability etc.

The Latvian Brotherhood of Orders is an organisation that unites the owners of Latvian Orders and Decorations and provides them support. According to the representatives of the organisation, LVL 3 000 are needed to provide support to the low-income organisation members. Let’s help!

What will be achieved by this project? We will provide people who have received the highest awards of the Republic of Latvia to live an honourable old age.

Project implementer: The Latvian Brotherhood of Orders, which unites the owners of Latvian Orders and Decorations and provides them support. Find out more about this organisation at

Project published in the portal: 9 January 2009


The Project is placed online on: 25.11.2014 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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