Follow us Today has already donated 5,376.00 €

Labestības diena

Report 01.08.2015

Augustā sniegta palīdzība 2 smagi slimiem bērniem 752.86 eiro apmērā:

  • Annai Aļonai Madžulei iegādāts ortopēdiskais matracis un gulta, no SIA VETRADE, rēķins Nr. SK/19/08/15, summa 715 eiro.
  • Gabrielai Pukai apmaksāti medikamenti un pamperi TENA Slip Super Small , no AS Sentor Farm aptiekas, rēķini Nr. 000030; Nr.000031, par kopējo summu 37.86 eiro.

Sirsnīgs paldies ziedotājiem!


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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

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1 072 730.79 €