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Let’s help Niks hear his mother

Niks is twelve years old and has severe fourth level bilateral sensoneural hearing impairment. Niks is joyful and active and is interested in everything related to motor sports. Since a very early age, Niks has learnt to lip-read, since disacousia prevents him from hearing others.

Niks has difficulties in school because he cannot hear what the teachers are saying. Language acquisition is very complicated because the state-provided hearing aids do not fully provide the ability to hear others speak, as daily noises are usually at the same volume level with language sounds.

Modern technologies have created a multi-channel digital hearing aid that mutes the background noises and evaluate the incoming signals, filtering language sounds from the background noises, thus distinguishing language from other noises and promoting its acquisition, . To help Niks hear his mother, two digital “Widex Inteo IN-19” hearing aids are needed. Their total cost is LVL 2 200.

Let’s donate the necessary amount! Let’s help Niks hear his mother!

Project published in the portal: 24 November 2009

The Project is placed online on: 24.11.2014 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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