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Let’s save Zane!

Zane is a 32 -year-old woman who lives in Ergli. Only 3 years ago she was active -she loved taking photos, handicraft, travelling, rest by the nature, reading books, cooking which was her profession and a hobby, and we could even say - it was her lifestyle. Zane worked as a chef at a hotel in Ergli.

Three years ago a rare disease was discovered - she suffered from pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). It is a syndrome characterized by raise of blood pressure in arteries the harder the heart has to work to supply the body with blood. The supply of oxygen is essentially troubled and as a result of it there is starvation of oxygen.
Because of the illness the young woman lost the ability to work and now she is forced to stay at home for days fighting with the existence and with difficulty doing common every day activities - getting dressed, washing, cooking. These are simple things for all of us, but for Zane - she feels dizzy, short of breath, her heart rate increases, it is difficult to breathe, she feels pain in her chest and body, her lips becomes blue and sometimes she even faints. Her daily routine depends on her mother who tries to help her daughter and who works to earn money.

As the disease is in progress almost for a year Zane cannot sleep at night, so even then her mum's help is necessary. The last half-year Zane can move only in a wheelchair.
Zane is writing to us : '' What can be more beautiful than being healthy, able to walk all day long. If you are healthy you have everything, you can do everything. There is nothing you cannot do! 
Maybe it is useful sometimes to imagine how your life would be if you had similar physical pain. What strength and belief you would have to possess not to give in..."

Council of Latvian physicians have decided that it is necessary to transplant Zane's lungs. As lung transplantation is not carried out in Latvia in December 2013 Zane had the opportunity to go to transplantation clinic in Vienna for additional examination. The doctors there confirmed that the disease is in fast progress and lung transplantation is necessary in forthcoming months to save Zane's life. The cost of the operation is EUR 120 000.

Zane applied to National Health Service with a request to the state to provide a part of monetary means for the transplantation. In case the state agrees a big sum of money should be paid by the patient himself. While the clerks are discussing the topic, Zane asks us to help her.

On January 21, 2014 Zane received letter from National Health Service refusing the funding of the transplantation because '' it is not the service which can be financed from the state budget , according to Regulations Nr. 1529 11.18.subpoint.''
The law is not on the same side as Zane is and, practically, if Zane does not have the means her treatment is not possible.
Zane says: ''We all together can fulfil my dream - to be the same as all the other people. My dream is to be healthy and with a possibility to breathe and live. I believe in my heart that together we can collect the enormous sum of money. My future depends on how fast it is done. I think not everybody could have such strength to fight. I know that someone would have given in but I live believing and hoping that one day I will be able to perform everyday activities myself.

If my request has spoken to you I hope to receive some understanding and support, I say ''Thank you'' in advance ''. ”All of us had a dream at the beginning of the New Year.

The biggest New Year gift for Zane - opportunity to live!

TV channel "LNT" about story of Zane please look here.

National TV evening news „Panorāma” about Zane please look here. for donations does not withhold any commissions or brokerage fees. All donated money goes into 100% of the intended purpose. The administrative costs of not covered by your donations.

The project launched on 20.01.2014. updated 21.01.2014. for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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