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Locomotive ESU2a for Ukraine

Narrow gauge locomotive - self-propelled generator type ESU2a. The three phase 50 kW mobile generator on rails can also haul trains. This generator would meet the wartime needs of the city of Haivoron, but after the war - become an item of exhibit in the Ukrainian gauge railway museum!

A joint project from railway enthusiasts in the Baltic states to support the city of Haivoron and its 78 km long railway line. Refugee routes from the east and south of Ukraine pass through Haivoron and the narrow-gauge train Haivoron-Rudnitsa helps to take further long distance trains in the direction Ternopil-Lviv-Uzhhorod.

Haivoron provides short term shelter for refugees, as well as some 3 thousand refugees have chosen to stay in Haivoron in the long term. In the most stressful moments, the city has hosted up to 5 thousand refugees. Electricity supply is essential to the functioning of refugee centres, especially for the preparation of food. During electricity outages, Haivoron experiences water shortages. The hospital of Haivoron helps both refugees and locals, and its occupation rates have gone up significantly. Meanwhile, the hospital possesses only a small generator for the most critical equipment. The crucial need for a stable electricity supply in Haivoron can be solved with a locomotive - generator ESU2a, with the power rating of 50 kW!

The project is lead by railway enthusiasts from the Baloži peat railway museum, in cooperation with colleagues in Ukraine and the Haivoron city council.

The Project is placed online on: 11.04.2023

Project completed 21.12.2023 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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