Follow us Today has already donated 355.00 €

Palīdzēsim trūcīgām senioru ģimenēm (2012)

Contributors, who have made donations on-line

113 anonymous donations

Other donors

SIA Prāta Vētras Skaņu ierakstu kompānija, Andra Balode, Edmunds Ceriņš, Ilze Uščina, Inese Danga, Mihails Tolstovs, Inga Toleika, Iveta Spāģe, Kristīne Zušmane, Leons Mačs, Liene Tovkiņa, Rūta Dimanta, Sanita Endzele, kā arī 13 anonīmi ziedojumi, Ilze Nulle, Ilze Brieže-Maksimova, Ludmila Jansone, SIA MAXIMA LATVIJA pircēji, Agris Teivens, Lolita Kronberga, Oskars Veinbergs, Madara Elksne, Jeļena Kuzmina, Inga Aņina, Igors Mihailovs, Māris Vilciņš, SIA L.E.V. (Ekstraktu rūpnīca), Ilze Kūka, Inga Aņina, Jansone Ludmila, SIA LVK INVESTICIJAS, Karīna Sūce, Gatis Graubiņš, Dace Kerna

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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

34 764.88 €