Follow us Today has already donated 2,240.73 €

Palīdzība Aigai Ozolai

Contributors, who have made donations on-line

226 anonymous donations

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1 anonīms ziedotājs, Tomass Riksis, Aleksandrs Rjabovs, Baiba Zariņa, Einars Zēvalds, Terēza Kurtiša, Līga Kukle, Inta Ziemele, POINT TRANSACTION SYSTEMS SIA, Jānis Grišāns, Diāna Špāka, Renāte Robežniece, Līga Kukle, Liesma Lazda, Mārtiņš Panke, Inga Vītoliņa, Madara Veisa, Evita Rožuleja, Tomass Riksis, Ineta Lazda, Ilga Krūze, Ludmila Lazučonoka, Juris Puiķis, Inga Ugorenko, Ināra Volkova, Kristīne Vanaga, Sandis Blūms, Aleksejs Remesovs, Ginta Gazele, Kovaļeva Ilona, Lāsma Bērziņa, Daina , Sandra Stepiņa, Gunita Klemere, Zanda Reinvalde, Sarmīte Vjatere, Anita Gaišprāte, Vītoliņa Inga, Līga Borisenkova, Ineta Freimane, Aija Ozoliņa, Sofija Indriksone, Dzintra Zimaiša, Lolita Duge, Lolita Krūmiņa, Ārija Gudžus, Āra Vindele, Ginta Avotiņa, Andris Geidānis, Daiga Kūma, VSAC “Zemgale”filiāle Ziedkalne darbinieki, Gazele Zaiga, Anda Duge, Labuņko Digna, Ingrīda Meleka, Holts Raimonds, Vita Kindereviča, Elīna Birziņa, Naglis Aivars, Marina Jekimova, Aldis Jēgers, Gvido Sapūns, Biruta Ābola, Ilga Lejāne, Inga Bernāte, Andris Čeksters, Jelgavas novada pašvaldība, Ilona Bērtulsone, Ilze Valtere, Vladimirs Remesovs, Sandra Korna, Reinis Suhanovs, Atis Lots, Purviņi ZS

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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

136 677.99 €