Follow us Today has already donated 12,146.65 €

Palīdzība Austrim Augustam

Report 31.12.2017

Atsakite, decembris 2017

130 EUR  Jautrais Apelsīns, rēkins nr. 1-01.12., 01.12.2017.  ārstnieciskā vingrošana grupa 26 x 
29.78 EUR  Mūsas aptieka, rēkins nr. 50-11/17, 30. 11.2017.  medikamenti 
660.48 EUR  Tartu University Hospital, rēkins nr. 17-1, 20.12.2017.  medicīniskie pakalpojumi 01.01.- 20.12.2017. 
70.84 EUR  Līgums nr. 7.5/G/17/287, 22.12.2017.  Degviela uz ārstu konsultācijām Tartu University Hospital

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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

698 506.81 €