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Palīdzība Dmitrijam Stepanovam

Report 16.10.2023

Septembris 2023

Reģistrācijas nr. Piegādātājs Rēķina nr. Summa Apraksts Apmaksas datums
6.3/2023/9450 Sentor Farm aptiekas AS S2273 Nr. 000139 104,23 € Aprūpes preces 25.09.2023
6.3/2023/9442 Serelta, UAB PPR 2023-09-21 50,00 € Funkcionālās gultas noma 26.09-26.10.2023 25.09.2023
6.3/2023/9418 NRC Vaivari, VSIA NRC 23 0762 85,00 € Rehabilitācija no 03.09.2023.-20.09.2023 21.09.2023
6.3/2023/9376 NRC Vaivari, VSIA NRC 23 0754 65,00 € Par pacienta līdzmaksājums par rehabilitāciju no 21.08.2023.-03.09.2023 18.09.2023
6.3/2023/9266 Serelta, UAB PPR 2023-08-26 50,00 € ​Funkcionālās gultas noma 26.08-26.09 11.09.2023


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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

421 153.09 €