Follow us Today has already donated 3,930.22 €

Pilsētas kaķu dzīve 2012

Contributors, who have made donations on-line

222 anonymous donations

Other donors

Sandra Kārkliņa, Inna Lavreņuka, Marta Stolarova, Diāna Aļeksejeva, Marta Stolarova, Viesturs Praulītis, Aldis Umblejs, Gunita Cāzere, Tatjana Lubjanova, Daiga Pērkona, Jolanta Gruzdeva, Elīna Feldmane, GFK Custom Research Baltic, Gunta Povašēviča, SIA LATVIJAS KREDĪTDEVĒJU APVIENĪBA, Raitis Armanis, Inese Ilmere, Anonīms ziedotājs, Gaļina Komisarova, Natālija Moisejenko, Olga Babuškina, Aldis Umblejs, Renāte Robežniece, Oksana Aržanika, Ina Šmite, Diāna Aļeksejeva, Izolde Marhele, Viesturs Praulītis, Marta Stolarova, Elita Pavlovska, Anonīms ziedotājs, Alīse Krilova, Ieva Kauķe, Renāte Robežniece, Nataļja Červinska, Marta Stolarova, Kintija Kundzule, Zigmārs Žagariņš, Ieva Kauķe, 4 anonīmi ziedotāji, Diāna Aļeksejeva, Brigita Damme, Tatjana Lubjanova, Ļubova Bočenkova, Baiba Prikule, Linda Ziemele, Alla Raiviča, Marta Stolarova, SIA METAGAS, Jeļena Sačuka

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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

3 930.22 €