Follow us Today has already donated 599.00 €

Stiprini Arturu, Diānu un Liliju!

Report 01.02.2020

Decembris 2019

Rīgas 1. slimnīca, rēkins nr.RPS/19  2499, 19. 12.2019., zobārstniecība, summa 329.50 eiro - mammai Diānai 
Rīgas 1. slimnīca, rēkins nr.RPS/19  2268, 29. 11.2019., zobārstniecība, summa 108 eiro - mammai Diānai
Rīgas 1. slimnīca, rēkins nr.RPS/19  2492, 17. 12.2019., medikamanti, summa 293 eiro - vecmāmiņai Lilijai 

Kopā 730.50 eiro


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Palīdzība Daniilam Teivānam

Palīdzība Matvejam Saņevam

About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

699 315.34 €