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Support for Dāniels Vikentjevs

Dāniels is seven years old. He was born prematurely (in the 28th week). Dāniels is not able to sit up, walk, put on clothes on his own, hold balance or move his right arm. Dāniels has had infantile cerebral palsy since birth.

Dāniels is intellectually developed and in this way is no different than his peers. He really likes to listen to fairy tales, to draw and to sing. He happily watches everything that the surrounding world has to offer.

Dāniels has undergone 24 rehabilitation courses: in Vaivari, Līgatne, Baltezers, Gaiļezers and at the Children’s Hospital.

Rehabilitation in the International Clinic of Rehabilitation in Truskavets, as well as in the dolphinarium in Odessa, would help Dāniels.

Great support in improving his health would be an exercise bike machine for relieving spasms, which costs LVL 1 800.

LVL 4 000 are needed for Dāniels to be able to continue his treatment. His family cannot afford these things and are turning to others for support.

Dāniels’ family really hopes for the support of contributors to be able to help him and give him chances or recovery!

For more information about Dāniels, please contact his mother by calling +371 26719253 or +371 65161242.

Project published in the portal: 12 August 2008 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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