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Support for Edijs Bondars

Six year old Edijs has autism, severe speech disorders and can says only a few words. He lives in his own world; he really likes cars, but has a short attention span.

Together with his little sister, Edijs and his parents live in Balvi district, Bērzpils; he attends speech therapy kindergarten, and is learning according to the Portage system.

With the support of contributors, Edijs had the chance to complete the 1st dolphin therapy course. He is starting to say several words. It is a small step forward, but it means a lot to the family.

The family is asking for repeated support for Edijs for further treatment possibilities.

The dolphin therapy is an alternative psychiatric treatment method. It helps develop the ability to better adapt to this world, to form contact with others, to release tension, to improve concentration and develop speech.

A single rehabilitation course costs LVL 1 590.

For more information about Edijs, please contact his father by calling +371 22304310.

Let’s help Edijs improve his health!

Project published in the portal: 18 August 2009 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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