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Support for Rūdolfs Vāps

Rūdolfs is five years old; he does not understand that he has hands and he can not sit up or talk. Rūdolfs has suffered from epileptic seizures since birth because of birth trauma.

As a result of birth trauma, he has psychomotor development delays and has been diagnosed with West syndrome and epilepsy.

The boy has already been to Novosibirska Clinic twice for stem cell transplants. After these surgeries, Rūdolfs’ vision improved and he is now interested in the surrounding world; he now expresses emotions he did not show before. Spasms in his arms and legs have decreased. But epileptic seizures delay his development, making it very slow.

Rūdolfs’ parents and sister still believe that the new technologies in medicine and science that are developing year by year will be able to help Rūdolfs. Stem cell transplants are a huge hope for the family. They can be performed at the Immunology Institute of Novosibirsk in Russia.

Thanks to society and all the contributors, with whose support the family can solve the health problems of their child.

For more information about Rūdolfs, please contact his mother, Sandra Vāpa, by writing to:

Project published in the portal: 12 August 2008. for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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