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Support for Veterans of Latvian Basketball


The aim of the project "Support for veterans of Latvian Baskeball" is to provide support for the ex-basketball players to cover their medical expenses and solve other social issues. The raised funds will be used by the Social Fund of Latvian Basketball Veterans while providing assistance to several dozens of basketball veterans who have devoted their youth and many years to the basketball game and joy of their fans.

Special attention will be paid to the rehabilitation programme for the legendary basketball player Ms. Uljana Semjonova. This great Latvian basketball player has been twice Olympic champion, three times Worlds champion and ten times European champion. During her professional career she played in more than 500 games and scored more than 15 000 points. In 1993, she was inaugurated in North American Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, and on 12 April 2007 she was inaugurated in Hall of Fame of the International Basketball Federation in Madrid.

What we will achieve by this project?

There is urgent need of our help to Uljana Semjonova, as it is necessary to make urgent surgery of kneecap and hip. Donations will provide opportunity for Social fund to help to other basketball veterans, mostly by covering costs of surgeries or providing other support.
Support for this initiative has been provided also by Latvian National Women Basketball Team and Hansabanka, implementing a daring and beautiful idea.  Twelve players have made their nude photos for the calendar to support the Social Fund of Latvian Basketball Veterans and especially rehabilitation programme for the legendary basketball player Ms. Uljanas Semjonova. The calendar depicts 12 players who will represent our country in the finals of the European Championships in Italy: Ms. Gunta Basko, Ms. Aija Brumermane, Ms. Santa Dreimane, Ms. Zane Eglite, Ms. Liene Jansone, Ms. Anete Jekabsone-Zogota, Ms. Dita Krumberga, Ms. Ieva Kublina, Ms. Ilze Ose-Hlebovicka, Ms. Zane Tamane and Ms. Anita Teilane.

Calendar has been printed in 1000 copies and it is possible to obtain it donating at least 25 Lats via our charity portal.


The Project is placed online on: 20.09.2007

Project completed 16.03.2017 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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