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Support for Vivita Bumbiere and Sindija Bumbiere

In October 2005, the Bumbieri family had a happy autumn day because triplets were born – Vivita, Sindija and Marika. The long-awaited and loved girls were born prematurely, in the 30th /31st week of pregnancy. The sisters weighed only 1 500 grams each. Already after birth, the girls were diagnosed with pneumonia and prematurely born child anaemia.

The diagnosis – infantile cerebral palsy, motor and speech development delay and bronchial asthma. This manifests in that Sindija could not yet sit, but could roll over from her back to her belly and was still trying to get up into a crawling position. Vivita could roll over from her back to her belly, sit up, crawl and stand, but not walk.

Both the disabled triplets are taken to massage courses, rehabilitation courses in Vaivari and are supported in every way possible.

In order to support Vivita and Sindija as much as possible, the family travels to the International Clinic of Rehabilitation in Truskavets, Ukraine (, where children with infantile cerebral palsy are provided with a special rehabilitation programme. Such rehabilitation is not covered by the State, but a family with three growing triplets is not able to save up LVL 6 000 to provide this rehabilitation.

With the support of contributors, the girls have already visited the International Clinic of Rehabilitation in Truskavets and the results are pleasing. After these rehabilitation courses, Vivita has begun to walk and to talk more. Sindija has begun to crawl and walk by holding on to the bed.

The mother of these little girls is very thankful to everyone who has provided their support and really hoping for support in the future.

The family hopes that the rehabilitation in Truskavets Clinic will help Vivita stand on her feet – both figuratively and literally – and will help Sindija as well.

Let’s help!

For more information, please contact the triplets’ mother, Rita, by phone +371 29585997

Project published in the portal: 24 September 2008. for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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