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Support to Families of Latvia

There are still many families in Latvia that live on the edge of poverty. In hard times, these families are the most vulnerable. The largest risk groups are the single pensioners, large families, families that have lost support and single mothers who are raising one or more children alone. Vulnerable are the families, in which there are children with special needs that prevent one of the parents from working a paid job because they have to take care of the child for the rest of his or her life. The situation is even harder if one of the parents is also dependant on care.

Quite often, this vulnerable part of our society needs our support. Situations differ – lost job, illness, fire, accident, a broken roof or other everyday problems, which, sometimes cannot be overcome on their own because there are no financial savings or opportunities to borrow funds and return them.

Despair forces parents to inconsiderate actions because they cannot feed their children or buy the necessary medicine. There is only one step that separates these families from loosing the foundation on which they stand. And it is usually a huge tragedy for the children who end up in orphanages or even on the streets.

It is in our power to provide these families with shelter, with a chance to buy a cow that will feed the entire family. For these families to gather money for a special treatment, to help parents if a child has suffered in an accident and when material conditions are insufficient to purchase the necessary medicine and to provide appropriate care. Even to ensure that a person in a wheelchair has the opportunity to get outside his house and is able to take care of himself.

The charity project provides support to low-income families in crisis situations – with the support of the contributors, the portal finds a solution for specific situations and by cooperating with social services. Sometimes, even a little is enough, for someone to be able to return home, and to bring a family back together so that it could create a safe foundation for their children. So let’s not be indifferent and let’s provide our support!

Project implementer: team in cooperation with parishes, cities and charity organisation of Latvia. Project partner: Chevrolet, providing transportation of the support to different regions.

LVL 200 – 900 are necessary to help one family.

Project published in the portal: 11 February 2009

The Project is placed online on: 20.11.2014 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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