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The life of city cats

According to research, the most popular pet in Latvia is a cat. 460,000 families have chosen cat as their home pet. According to unofficial data research, there are 1,200,000 cats in Latvia. So more then half of them or half million cats are alone in the streets with no owner and no one who takes care of them.

It means that there are half million cats that multiply uncontrollably. One cat can give birth to 15 kittens in a year, in average 5 kittens per time. According to the statistics provided by the veterinarians, only fifth part (20%) of them survive. One usully gets hit by car, one is killed by dogs or crows and two die as a result of illnes.

The endless suffering of these homeless animals can only be stopped by systematic sterilization. One cat in six years, together with her offsprings can give birth to 420,000 kittens. It is not and will not be possible to find new homes for all of them. As well it is imprtant that the cats born in the second and third generations on the streets are no longer habitable for life with a person. Street cats are no longer pets, but not wild animals as well, because they cannot exist without humans. It is a new species of wild- city cats.

It is a reality that exists and it cannot be avoided or ignored. It is heart breaking to see how cat feeds her kitten and there is dead kitten next to them. It can be stopped only by active active involvement of the society. Only together we can reduce the number of kitten born on streets and help to those who are not able to take care of themselves. "Dzivnieku SOS" receives at least 5 incoming letters per day about non-sterilized kittens, cat colonies and sick or dying kittens on the street.

"Dzivnieku SOS" can onlu continue their good job with the help of donations. Donations will be used to castrate and sterilize 1,000 animals. Usually the costs are 20-30 EUR per animal. Right now Riga municipality also provides finalcial support for these activities, but the funding is insufficient. The funding is already fully used by the end of the April and it is necessary to get additional support to cover the costs for the rest of the year. 

The Project is placed online on: 19.02.2019

Project completed 31.12.2019 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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