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When the Show is Over…

Report 21.09.2009

April 2009

The Latvian Theatre Support Foundation for the Creative Personalities continues to provide support to former performing artists. Insurance policies are purchased using the donated funds from AAS BALTA health.
In April, with the support of contributors, health insurance policies were purchased for two artists.
Total amount
: LVL 273.70.

Until now, we have purchased health insurance policies for 67 former performing artists with the donated funds held by the Foundation, including for 12 people with the support of contributors. Support in purchasing medicine was also provided to 27 people.

Thank you contributors: Rietumu banka; Reℜ the Latvian National Theatre, the New Riga Theatre, the Valmiera Theatre and individual contributors.

Thanks to the support of Theatre Bar – Restaurant owner Dāvis Auškāps and the bakery company Sala, the gathering of the former performing artists was organised on 27 March this year (International Theatre Day) in the Theatre Restaurant. The event gave the theatre artists a chance to meet in a warm and festive atmosphere to remember their years spent together.

March 2009

The Latvian Theatre Support Foundation for the Creative Personalities continues to provide support to former performing artists. Health insurance policies are purchased with the donated funds at AAS BALTA.
In March, with the support of contributors, health insurance policies were purchased for two artists.
Total amount
: LVL 273.70

In March, donations were received from the Latvian Television show
Zini vai mini (Know or Guess). Actors from the National Theatre took part in this show and the amount won was transferred as a donation to the Latvian Theatre Support Foundation for the Creative Personalities.
Actors of the New Riga Theatre regularly provide their financial support for the care of the former artists.
Thank you for your support!

February 2009

In February, AAS BALTA health insurance policies were purchased for three former performing artists using the donated funds.

Total amount: LVL 434.70


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124 249.69 €