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Support Women’s Safety!

Each year, nearly every sixth woman or girl is suffering from domestic violence. In Latvia, statistical data on domestic violence distribution and the problems related to it are still not available, but the facts prove that domestic violence is a widespread social phenomenon.

According to World Health Organisation data, in 70 % of the cases, women are murdered by their partners. Every fourth woman has become a victim of domestic violence in her lifetime. Domestic violence is the most frequent cause of death and disability for all women between the ages of 16 and 44.

Domestic violence is almost always irreversibly traumatic, not only for the woman, but also for the children raised in the family, who learn violence as a behavioural model and solution. Moreover, no one can predict which case of violence can turn out to be the final and fatal ones for the woman. This is why help is needed immediately.

In the Resource Centre for Women Marta, demand for support is rapidly increasing, which proves that violence in Latvia has the tendency to grow.

Domestic violence is violence that takes place in the private sphere, most commonly between individuals who are in intimate relationships. One of the complex forms of violence is human trafficking, which includes both emotional and physical, sexual, economic, etc., violence. Women and children are the most vulnerable to human trafficking, as well as other forms of violence.

Project types of support
Legal assistance for girls and women who have become victims of domestic violence

Providing full legal assistance for girls and women who have become victims of domestic violence, to stop the violence targeted at them.

Full legal assistance for women include:

  1.   Consultations in person, by phone or on the Internet.
  2.   Preparation of legal documents.
  3.   Representation in the Court and other legislative institutions, state and municipality governmental institutions, in relations to other legal or natural persons in relation to domestic violence carried out by the partner.

An example of positive practice (see information).

Rehabilitation for girls and women who have become victims of human trafficking
To provide rehabilitation for girls and women who have become victims of human trafficking, encouraging the reintegration of the victims into society.
Rehabilitation services include:

  1. Consultations with specialists free of charge – social worker, psychotherapist, lawyer, physician.
  2. Support during criminal proceeding and legal procedures.
  3. Solving employment, residence and other problems (temporary accommodation, food, hygiene and household items, medicine, transport costs).

An example of positive practice (see information).

Free Hotline
Possibilities to provide consultations by specialists and experts free of charge via the hotline for girls and women who have become victims of violence.

Needed: legal assistance free of charge and rehabilitation services for one client cost LVL 40.00 per day.

Project implementer:
The association Resource Centre for Women Marta has acquired experience through long-term professional work to provide support and assistance to girls and women who have become or still are victims of violence – human trafficking or domestic violence. The Centre Marta promotes the protection of women’s rights and mutual support, regardless of a woman’s age, ethnicity or occupation. Resource Centre for Women Marta stands against poverty and female rejection.

Association Resource Centre for Women Marta

Brīvības iela 183/2 – 30, Riga, LV - 1012
Telephone: +371 67378539
Home page:

Project published in the portal: 7 November 2008



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