Follow us Today has already donated 2,304.20 €

Dāvāsim sapni - 2010

Contributors, who have made donations on-line

168 anonymous donations

Other donors

Tedijs Josts, Gulnara Ahmadova, Evita Timermane, ELDORA SIA, Edmunds Simsons, Dana Edžiņa, Tatjana Svjatova, Valts Neilands, Daniels Voitehovičs, Olga Macujeva, SKONTO METĀLS SIA, Tedijs Josts, LEILANDS UN PUTNIS SIA, Oļesja Savicka, Agnese Osīte, AD BALTIC SIA, Jeļena Andrejeva, SIA LOGILAT UN SADARBĪBAS PARTNERI, RĪGAS OSTAS ELEVATORS AS, BALTIC XL SIA, Juris Grizāns, Rita Tetradze, Ļubova Vorobjova, Granma Maniņa, LĒV SIA

Other topical projects

Palīdzība Mārtiņam Lauvam

For Mothers of Seriously Ill Children

Palīdzība Ritvaram Jaunāram

Gaismas ceļš Donbasam

About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

145 232.89 €