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Stand With Ukraine

Russian forces have launched an attack on Ukraine violating Ukraine's sovereignty. Ukraine needs our support! We can not and we do not want to helplessly watch how Ukraine suffers from this brutal and senseless attack. We need to act to help children, elderly people, moms and dads, who are attacked by Russian forces. In this unjustified war we can not leave Ukraine alone!

We use the donated funds where it is most needed. In co-operation with the Ministry of Defense, fuel, medicines, technical assistance, body armor, helmets, tactical goggles and first aid items are being sent to Ukraine for the Ukrainian Defense Forces. Humanitarian aid - food, medicine, clothing, household and hygiene items are delivered to Ukraine in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In cooperation with local governments, we provide financial support to Ukrainian refugees in Latvia. We work closely with Entrepreneurs for Peace.


The Project is placed online on: 24.02.2022 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

Current subprojects:

Support for the AZOV 12th Special Forces Brigade

Out of 150 000.00 € donated 27 171.00 €

Provision of military equipment

Gaismas ceļš Donbasam

Donated 69 812.02 €

Palīdzība Ukrainas karavīriem

Twitter Convoy for Ukraine

Donated 12 844.00 €

Cars for the defence of Ukraine

UAVs for Ukrainian Armed Forces

Donated 150 598.79 €

Aid to Ukraine in the fight against the occupier

Let's help the Ukrainian Academy of Penitentiary

Donated 422.00 €

Renew the Ukrainian Academy of Penitentiary


Stream a small monthly donation to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Fuel of victory

Out of 6 000.00 € donated 543.00 €

Fuel for convoys to the Ukrainian front

For the victory of Ukraine!

Donated 18 659.00 €

Palīdzība Ukrainas karavīriem tieši līdz frontes līnijai

A gulp of strength, life and endurance for Ukraine!

Out of 100 000.00 € donated 1 229.82 €

Renewal of the water supply network in Ukraine

Good News*

Donated 582 760.00 €

Military equipment manufactured in Latvia for Ukraine

Valkas novads Ukrainas bērniem

Donated 411.00 €

Atbalsts ukraiņu basketbolistiem Valkas basketbola skolā

Demining kits to save lives in Ukraine

Out of 23 600.00 € donated 19 821.06 €

Demining kits to save lives in Ukraine

Kara bēgļu atbalstam

Donated 26 051.00 €

Sociāla palīdzība Ukrainas bēgļiem Latvijā

Total: 0.00

Name, Surname

Completed projects:

Other topical projects

Palīdzība Danielam Ozolam

Palīdzība Markam Rimšam

Zobu labošana cilvēkiem ar īpašām vajadzībām

Palīdzība Markusam Svilānam

About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

1 207 853.68 €