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Home Care

According to the Latvian Red Cross, there are currently very many lonely elderly people in our country who need help in household and daily tasks.

To provide home care for one person, about LVL 45 are needed per month. (For information about what this amount comprises, go to Invaluable assistance can be provided for this amount to one person for an entire month.

Home care includes:

  • Preparing dinner, cleaning up the house, doing laundry and other household tasks.
  • Assistance in personal hygiene – bathing, hair cut.
  • Envoy function – solving different issues related to Social Support foundation, policlinics and other institutions, purchase of food, medicine and other necessary items.
  • Guide function.

Home care also means to spend old age in the accustomed environment and not in nursing homes.

The municipality provides home care only to those, whose income per month is below LVL 74.91. But image the feeling of helplessness of those people, whose pensions exceed this amount only by a few santims! The Latvian Red Cross invites you to help these people and provide them with a chance to live fully!

Project implementer: The Latvian Red Cross, whose goal is to help people, regardless of their religious beliefs, political identity, nationality or other factors. Find out more about the association at

What will be achieved by this project? With the support of the contributors, disabled, elderly, lonely people will have the chance to receive care and assistance in the simplest everyday household tasks. This project continues the charity project Home Care implemented during the last years.

Swedbank credit card holders can support this project by forwarding their Valuable Purchase Programme points to charity. Find out more here.

Project published in the portal: 14 February 2008

The Project is placed online on: 25.11.2014 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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