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Home Care

Report 14.10.2009

September 2009

In September, home care was provided to 10 people with the support of

Financial report:
Pay for hours of work – LVL 45 (in Riga for one person including social taxes).
Pay for hours of work – LVL 225 (in Riga for five people)
Monthly ticket for public transport – LVL 18.40
Pay for hours of work – LVL 70.34 (in Riga for two people)
Pay for hours of work – LVL 90.00 (in Riga for two people)
Total: LVL 448.74

Activities of the Association Latvian Red Cross in September

In September, 985 people were provided shelter and food at the Night Shelter Gaiziņš of the Latvian Red Cross at Gaiziņa Street 7. This comes to about 33 clients a day who don’t have a permanent residence.

On 12 September 2009, the Latvian Red Cross (LRC) organised a republican first aid competition in culture and recreation zone Mežparks for students in Riga.

Every year in Latvia, thousands of people are injured in accidents and hundreds loose their lives; every one of us can become a victim, a witness or a first aid provider. This is why it is very important to learn first aid skills, to be able to provide first aid to yourself and to be able to keep calm and also help others in trouble. The goal of the competition is to improve students’ knowledge of the importance of first aid and to provide the opportunity to test their skills in real life simulations, so that the students have the courage to help victims in real life and health threatening situations.


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1 062 392.83 €