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Palīdzība Naurim Gūtmanim

Report 13.07.2016

Atskaite, maijs 2016 

Sniegta palīdzība Naurim iegādājoties skūteri, kas piemērots, lai viņš varētu ērti pārvietoties: 

3298 EUR  Arnis Bukelis, rēķins nr. 0015, 05.05.2016.  Mobility Scooter TGA Breeze 4 GT

Sirsnīgs paldies visiem ziedotājiem! 


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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

5 510 427.33 €