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Support to Families of Latvia

Report 14.10.2009

Time period: July – September 2009:

  1. According to Agreement 01/08/G-54, support in the amount of LVL 1 000 was provided to a family in Gulbene district. Their house had burnt down in May. Support was provided for purchasing materials to renovate the house.
  2. According to Agreement 01/08/G-56, support in the amount of LVL 928.71 was provided to a family on Kārsava parish. The family had suffered a fire accident. As a result, they lost their belongings. Household goods and furniture were purchased (washing machine, gas oven, cabinet etc.).
  3. According to Agreement 01/08/G-57, support in the amount of LVL 500 was provided to a family in Dobele parish. The mother raises four children by herself. One of the children suffers from psoriasis. Support was provided to purchase medicine, electric water boiler and a couch.
  4. According to Agreement 01/08/G-58, support in the amount of LVL 1 974.49 was provided to a resident of Alūksne city. The young man has been disabled since childhood and orphaned without a family. Surgery and rehabilitation costs were covered. This surgery is a huge hope to significantly improve the quality of life for this man, who is not able to handle his problems alone. Thank you for your understanding and support.
  5. According to Agreement 01/08/G-59, support in the amount of LVL 200 was provided to a family in Bauska city. The family raises eight children. Support was provided to cover gynaecological surgery costs.
  6. According to Agreement 01/08/G-61, support in the amount of LVL 104.56 was provided to a family in Ķekava parish. The mother raises five under age children by herself. Support was provided in solving emergency household problems. Settlement with municipal holding related to shifting residence was provided.
  7. According to Agreement 01/08/G-62, support in the amount of LVL 445.26 was provided to a family in Kuldīga city. The mother raises three under age children by herself. Support was provided to cover treatment expenses for the mother.
  8. According to Agreement 01/08/G-65, support in the amount of LVL 402.40 was provided to a family in Skrīveri city. The mother suffers from Hodgkin’s disease. Support was provided for carrying out a health examination at the Central Scientific Research Radiography Institute of Saint Petersburg. In Latvia, such an examination is not available; the family is a low-income family.
  9. According to Agreement 7.5/IP/09/156, support in the amount of LVL 1 014.50 was provided to a family in Riga. Support was provided to cover the bill for spinal vertebra surgery issued by State Limited Liability Company Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopaedy.
  10. According to Agreement 7.5/IP/09/179, support in the amount of LVL 765.08 was provided to a person in the 2nd handicapped group. Diagnosis – Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Positron emission tomography was performed at the Beam Therapy Centre in Tallinn. In Latvia, such health care is not available. Part of the bill was covered.

Donated: LVL 7 335.00

Next report will be available on January 2010.


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